- Armstrong, K., Green, T.D., Kruger, A. (2020). Educational outcomes of foster youth in congregate care: What school professionals need to know. The Journal of Foster Care, 1, 1-12.
- Ingraham, C., Paz, J., Lambros, K., & Green, T. D. (2019). Multicultural supervision in school psychology: Innovations in training, approaches and implementation. Trainers’ Forum.
- Miller, A., Lambros, K. M., Green, T. D. (2019). Foster parent self-care: A conceptual model. Children and Youth Services Review, 99, 107-114.
- Green, T.D., Ammah, B.B., & Belisle, N. (2018). African American Mentoring Program: A soft place to land. In Eds. J. McClinton, D. S. Mitchell, G. B. Hughes, M. A. Melton. Mentoring at Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs): Theory, Design, Practice, and Impact. Charlotte, NC. Information Age Publishing
- Chalmers, C., Green, T.D., & Kruger (2018). Youth in foster care as victims and perpetrators of teen dating violence. Journal of School Counseling, 16(11), 2-19.
- Krier, J., Green, T. D., Kruger, A. (2018). Youth in foster care with language delays: Prevalence, causes, and interventions. Psychology in the Schools, 55(5), 523-538. https://doi.org/10.1002/pits.22129
- Green, T. D., Ammah, B. B., Butler-Byrd, N., Brandon, R., & McIntosh, A. S. (2017). African American Mentoring Program (AAMP): Addressing the cracks in the education pipeline. Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnerships in Learning, 25, 528-547https://doi.org/10.1080/13611267.2017.1415807
- Mathiesen, S., Green, T. D., & Swanson, H. (2017). Changes in EBP. American International Journal of Social Science, 6(2), p. 1-10. https://www.aijssnet.com/journals/Vol_6_No_2_June_2017/1.pdf
- Green, T. D., & Mathiesen, S. (2017). Who CARES? Interdisciplinary training to meet the needs of foster youth with disabilities. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.
- Green, T. D., & Mathiesen, S. (2016). Who CARES?: Meeting the complex needs of culturally and linguistically diverse foster youth with disabilities. Journal of Advances in Social Work, 17(2), 166-186. 17(2), 166-186. file:///Users/tgreen/Downloads/18337-Article%20Text-31076-2-10-20170131.pdf
- Grapin, S., Bocanegra, J., Green, T. D., Lee, E., & Jaafar, D. (2016). Increasing diversity in school psychology: Uniting the efforts of institutions, practitioners, faculty, and students. Contemporary School Psychology, 20, 345-355.
- Cook-Morales, V.J., Robinson-Zañartu, C. A., & Ingraham, C. L. (2009). Pathways on a journey to getting it: Multicultural competence training and continuing professional development. In J. Jones (Ed.). The psychology of multiculturalism in schools: A primer for practice, training, and research. Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.
- Webb-Johnson, G. C., Green, T. D., & Beard, K. (2008). Eradicating the fast and furious track to special education: Culturally responsive pre-referral strategies for African American learners. The National Journal of Urban Education and Practice, 3(2), 69-82.
- Cook-Morales, V., Johnson, S., Zacky, D., Castro, T., Conley-Liggins, H., Toombs, D., Green, T. D., & Mohammed, C.O. (2007). Meeting the needs of English language learners in the United States:The process of entering ethnolinguistic communities. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu: HI.
- Green, T. D., Bischoff, L., Sperry, L., Coleman, C., Robinson-Zañartu, C. A. (2007). The whole truth and nothing but the truth: African Americans and research. Journal of Black Studies, 37, 655-676.
- Cook-Morales, V. J., Robinson-Zañartu, C. A., & Green, T. D. (2006). When part of the problem becomes part of the solution: Moving from evaluation to assessment. The Special EDge, 20(1), 3-4. Also on-line at http://www.calstat.org/infoPublications.html.
- Green, T. D., McIntosh, A. S., Cook-Morales, V. J., & Robinson-Zañartu, C. (2005). From old schools to tomorrow’s schools: Psychoeducational assessment of African American students. Remedial and Special Education, 26(2) 82-92.
- Green, T. D. (2005). Promising prevention and early intervention strategies to reduce overrepresentation of African American students in special education. Preventing School Failure, 49(3), 33-41.
- Green, T. D. & Ingraham, C. L. (2005). Multicultural education. In S. Lee (Ed.) Encyclopedia of School Psychology (pp. 338-342). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Green, T. D., Tran, M., & Young, R. (2005). The impact of ethnicity, SES, language, and training program on teaching choice among new teachers in California. The Bilingual Research Journal,29, 583- 598.
- McIntosh, A. S., & Green, T. D. (2004). 50 years down the road have we lost our way? Journal of School Public Relations, 25, 116-134.
A list of current and archived publications
Dr. Green has made extensive scholarly contributions in education, foster care, multicultural supervision, and African American mentoring. Through numerous journal articles, book chapters, and conference proceedings, she has explored topics such as educational outcomes for foster youth, culturally responsive practices in special education, and mentoring programs at Minority Serving Institutions. Key works include studies on congregate care’s impact on foster youth, self-care models for foster parents, and innovative approaches for supporting students with disabilities in foster care.
Dr. Green’s research delves into the intersection of race, language, and disability, addressing the needs of African American students and promoting diversity in school psychology. Her publications underscore her dedication to advancing equity, access, and success for underrepresented populations across educational settings.